About Me

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Hi there! I’m IsaBeall, Izzy for short.

Welcome to Fake Blonde Real Life!  This is an online platform that aims to inspire happiness and well-being, promote personal growth, global awareness, and nourishment for the mind, body and soul.  I am passionate about creativity, honest self-discovery, worldly adventures, cooking and baking, giving back, and spreading joy to my loved ones and the world at large.

I want to say that I’m grateful for every person (that would be you!) who takes the time to come to this site, who trusts my judgment enough to make a recipe, or cares enough to read a blog post.  I recognize that time is precious, that everyone is entitled to their own tastes and opinions, and that mine are no more important or valid than anyone else’s.  But I try to approach life from a perspective of love, knowing I can always do better, knowing I just want to have a positive impact on the lives of others, and hoping more people in this world will do the same.  ALL of our voices are important, but I do hope the positive voices will rise above the negative, the loving voices will rise above the hate, the understanding voices will rise above the judging, and I hope to add mine to that chorus of goodness.

With love for you all,

xx Izzy

P.S. I am who I am because of the people in these pictures, and many who are not pictured too of course!  But this group deserves a whole lot of credit for their endless love and support of me and this project in particular.  From the bottom of my heart, I love you and thank you all for being there every step of the way.
